15 November - 3 December 2023
MOBIUS announces the opening of PLUSMINUS, a new exhibition of works by PANDELE PANDELE. Exploring the world from above, as discovered over time by humanity, Pandele zooms into every boy’s dream – the one of discovering the bigger reality that encompasses our tiny existence.
Radu Pandele, a meticulous artist exploring the delicate balance between ambition and failure, began PLUSMINUS inspired by Wan Hu, the 16th-century Chinese martyr and space adventurer. 
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Press release
MOBIUS announces the opening of PLUSMINUS, a new exhibition of works by PANDELE PANDELE. Exploring the world from above, as discovered over time by humanity, Pandele zooms into every boy’s dream – the one of discovering the bigger reality that encompasses our tiny existence.
Radu Pandele, a meticulous artist exploring the delicate balance between ambition and failure, began PLUSMINUS inspired by Wan Hu, the 16th-century Chinese martyr and space adventurer. Much like Wan Hu, who, fueled by a fascination with the stars, tried to journey into space on a chair propelled by fireworks, Pandele confronts uncertainty with determination. Wan Hu's experiment, driven by naivety, may have faltered, yet his ambition triumphed over the shadow of failure itself.
Within a contemplative space where the boundary between earthly and infinite realms becomes unclear, Pandele brings forth a series of spatial anti-illustrations. Each work featured in this exhibition is inspired by the realms of astrophysics and planetary science, honouring the advancements of technology that ultimately converge in the celebration of space missions. These abstracted images, similar to altarpieces, transform the gallery into a sacred realm—a sanctuary for contemplating the vastness of the universe, a space detached from the constraints that keep us bound only to the immediate reality. 
"PLUSMINUS" stands as the most harmonious series in Radu Pandele's artistic practice—an ode to humanity propelled by ideals, desires, and hope.