
The Big Sleep presents two visual installations - The Maze and The Dreaming Room - both simultaneously running in the Foișor and Ghețărie galleries. The two spaces read symbolically, visually, olfactory and auditory, two fundamental stages of sleep: The Big Sleep and The Dream.

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Press release

Mobius Gallery, in partnership with Centrul Cultural Palatele Brâncovenești, has the pleasure to announce The Big Sleep, an exhibition of new works by Bianca Mann.
The exhibition opens on May 4th and runs until June 5th. An artist talk is scheduled for May 18th, starting at 6 p.m., during the White Night of The Museums.

The Big Sleep presents two visual installations - The Maze and The Dreaming Room - both simultaneously running in the Foișor and Ghețărie galleries. The two spaces read symbolically, visually, olfactory and auditory, two fundamental stages of sleep: The Big Sleep and The Dream. The Big Sleep symbolizes Death - sober, black, immobile, monumental, unknown, atrocious like an uninspired Hadesian animal that exists outside the space and time, as perceived in the common paradigm. The second space defines the mechanism of dreams - The Oniric Chamber is a type of area / laboratory where the psycho-somatic processes of dreams are simulated.