Starting in 2015, we expanded our scope beyond the exhibition program, establishing a meaningful partnership with the Kontakt Association to develop a comprehensive cultural and educational initiative. The cultural calendar crafted by the association has become a pivotal platform for hosting a wide array of events, including artist talks, informative lectures, and the publication of art catalogs, among other activities. In collaboration with Mobius Gallery, Kontakt Association is at the forefront of promoting a dynamic cultural agenda that revolves around contemporary art originating from Romania and Eastern Europe. This collaborative effort has rapidly solidified its position as a prominent and influential presence in the local cultural landscape dedicated to the world of contemporary art.
Exhibition with charity auction: Vintilă Mihăilescu
Prominent artists and public figures are rallying behind a heartfelt campaign spearheaded by the family of Vintilă Mihăilescu, a renowned anthropologist. Vintilă Mihăilescu, celebrated as one of Romania's most esteemed anthropologists, and a distinguished university professor at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA), has been confronted with a diagnosis of acute myeloblastic leukemia, an aggressive form of blood cancer. The campaign's aim is to raise the necessary funds for a life-saving transplant operation.View event -
A special project dedicated to children living with autism, disabilities and special needsWere you aware of the existence of Okapis? This captivating creature, akin to a fantastical creation, stands as a genuine marvel of the natural world. Thriving in the concealed realms of tropical forests, the Okapi possesses lustrous fur adorned with striking tones of brown and white, and a physique that appears to blend the grace of a giraffe with the quirkiness of a zebra, defying the norms of the animal kingdom. Its genetic uncommonness and singularity may cast it as an apparent anomaly, but, in reality, these traits serve as testaments to a hidden beauty—a diversity that warrants both admiration and celebration.Read more -
A project that captures the experiences of individuals with dwarfism through both visual and audio documentation, with the artist's aim to convey a message to both the general public and authorities on behalf of this community, which often faces disadvantages in various aspects of daily life. "Walking the same Earth as you" delves into the lives of those who undergo a process of "diminishing in stature." It explores themes of diversity, acceptance, inclusivity, beauty, self-assurance, as well as respect and empathy. -
Art Talks
a dialogue between artists and specialists from different fieldsHow can we approach and interpret a piece of contemporary art from diverse angles? Are there uncharted territories beyond the conventional viewpoints that not all of us have explored? If such perspectives exist, what might they entail?
The event represents a collection of sessions involving professionals from non-art fields, whom we have invited to share their unique perspectives on contemporary art. As we explore various exhibitions created and presented by Mobius, each of these specialists will bring their distinct professional expertise and a unique interpretive lens that differs from the established norms within the contemporary art community.
Anders Krisar and Petruța Gheorghe
artist and psychotherapist View event -
Lea Rasovszy and Eugen Ciurtin
artist and historian View event -
Paul Țanicui and Andrei Crăciun
artist and journalist View event -
Roman Tolici and Corina Șuteu
artist and cultural manager View event -
Codruța Cernea and Diana Culescu
artist and landscape expert View event -
Karolis Strautniekas and Monica Jitariuc
artist and communication expert View event -
Poetrip on Callosum
experimental music band View event -
Cătălin Bădărău and Constantin Vică
artist and lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bucharest View event -
Tudor Codre Nasc Eliza Yokina and Horia Tomescu
artist, architect and the vice mayor of Bucharest View event -
Beatrice Arzoiu and Dr. Ana Maria Iordache
artist and psychiatrist and psychoanalyst View event
Art Saavy with Irina Moreno
Irina Moreno, an alumna of the Sotheby's Institute of Art in London, has previously hosted a series of illuminating lectures, organised by Kontakt Association. These sessions delved extensively into the intricacies of the art market, expanding participants' perspectives and knowledge of art beyond the rudimentary like/dislike categorization. The primary goal was to cultivate a more nuanced awareness and a deeper understanding of the multifaceted realm of art. Art enthusiasts who attended these past sessions embarked on a journey that allowed them to uncover the captivating mechanisms that have historically underpinned the art market. -
Series of workshops dedicated to contemporary art
Roxana Gamart (gallerist) and Ștefania Dobrescu (art historian)A series of immersive talks dedicated to the dynamic realm of contemporary art. These workshops are enriched by the wealth of knowledge and experience contributed by Roxana Gamart, gallerist known for her exceptional insights into the art world, and Ștefania Dobrescu, art historian renowned for her in-depth understanding of artistic movements and trends. Together, they created a captivating journey through the multifaceted landscape of contemporary art, offering unique perspectives and valuable expertise that will deepen your appreciation and comprehension of this vibrant and ever-evolving domain. -
How deep isn your art?
A serie of talks with artists presenting their works and practice to the general public -
Dublă Expunere
Anna Khodorkovskaya . How Deep Is Your Art?
A Tale in Two Chapters -
Andrei Gamarț. Mirror for the Full Moon
Sándor Szász. Chambers of Secrets
Lea Rasovszky. Dig the Inbetween
What I like about Tolici is the indifference towards dominant aesthetic doctrines: he mocks the rancid avant-gardes who were calling the shots not long ago, who were forcing the artist...