Educational and editorial-
Ecaterina Vrana Awards
Supporting young female artistsThis program supports emerging female visual artists in Romania with financial and professional resources, creative opportunities, and platforms to showcase their work, honouring Ecaterina Vrana's legacy. Three artists from the DIPLOMA festival are selected each year: two from painting and one from graphic arts. The first-place winner gets financial support, a one-year studio space, and an exhibition at Mobius Gallery. The second and third-place winners receive one-year studio spaces.
AIEVEA, the first visual art cenacle in Romania
A bi-weekly event: Each session highlights a different artist's work, inviting you to dialogue and reflect on the featured piece. Meet the Artists: Discuss the creative processes and intentions directly with the artists themselves. Lively Debates: Discuss with artists, gallerists, curators, and critics, exploring contemporary art's social and cultural impact. Education: AIEVEA will delve into the question: how and what do we see when we look at art?
Focusing on female voicesDUBLĂ EXPUNERE is a project that brings together visual art and writing. This initiative, ongoing until 2025, involves a collaboration between 10 female visual artists and 10 female writers. Each writer will develop a short story inspired by a contemporary artwork, which will be published in a hybrid catalogue. Alongside its written and visual content, the project will include a series of podcast episodes, public events featuring the artists and writers, and a concluding exhibition. Supported by BCR, this initiative aims to explore how art and writing complement each other, fostering new understandings of contemporary culture.
Interviews, articles and collaborations
Find out more-
Roman Tolici about REALPOLITIK
for PropagartaRead moreI started working on this series three years ago, when the world was fighting against the pandemic. The moment generated in me the impulse to take a closer look at the absconding mechanisms of the political system.
Romanian Solidarity Action for Ukrainian Artists
Supported by the Association of Romanian Contemporary Art GalleriesAGACOR can offer accommodation and financial support during the stay in Romania. Each artist will be supported according to their individual needs. There will be no formal obligations, but we are happy to support your artistic practice in any possible way.
Roman Tolici for Scena9
By ANDRA MATZALRead articleAD: Lucrezi mai mereu așa, pornind de la fotografii?
RT: Da. Când fac poze, mă gândesc că le fac pentru o documentare, că nu pot să inventez eu. Pot să și inventez, dar nu are același efect cu ce se întâmplă, de fapt, pe o plajă. Ce fac oamenii la plajă? Când îi vezi pe sus pe fiecare, cum unul se scarpină, unu-și pune ceva-n cap, unul merge, unii vorbesc, altul doarme, alții citesc sau își fac selfie-uri…
Saddo for DIGI24
By Elena TănaseSee articleSaddo: Ideea de a face o serie întreagă sau o expoziţie întreagă bazată pe hip-hop culture vine din faptul că ascult tot timpul hip-hop. Mă gândeam că muzica e mult mai directă şi cum ar fi să fac un fel de play-list vizual, o colecţie cu toţi rap-erii care îmi plac mie. Să vezi detalii din piesele lor şi din albume. Dacă cunoşti artistul îți vin în minte fragmente din piese. Și cumva fiecare titlu al lucrării va fi un quot, un citat dintr-o piesă de la fiecare.
Andrei Gamarț for Scena 9
By Ionuț DulămițăRead articleI.D.: De ce alegi culorile astea care par angoasante, care te comprimă într-o stare de reverie şi de stranietate?
A.G: Mie îmi place jocul de lumini şi umbre şi atunci pun accentul pe tonurile astea luminoase şi întunecate, pe umbră şi lumină, pe contraste. Cred că cel mai bine pot transmite în tonalităţile astea, pot să creez o tensiune acolo, în pânză. Pentru mine e important ca lucrarea să fie foarte intensă, să nu te lase indiferent. Am avut o perioadă în care pictam cu mai multă culoare. Pe parcurs, am pierdut o anumită inocenţă, dar ţine de perioadă, nu ştii când se întoarce.
Our partnership with Kontakt
Creating a educational platformView websiteIn 2015, an exciting chapter unfolded as we forged a long-term partnership with Kontakt which created an educational platform of events, including artist discussions, lectures about the multifaceted landscape of contemporary art market, artists' catalogues, literature, and art books designed for children, as well as a special selection of biographies that are being published for the first time in Romania.
Gino Rubert for RFI Romania
with Mihaela DedeogluInterviewRubert's works are imbued with an enigmatic quality that is both unsettling and alluring. They offer a glimpse into the artist's profound inner world, where love, sensuality or desire appear to be the artist’s main subjects of exploration
Exhibition Review - Cheerleader for a funeral
By Ioana Gabriela CherciuRead ReviewUpon entering the exhibition room, you see a work suggestively titled Du-te-n pizda mătii [literally “go into your mom’s pussy,” meaning “fuck you”]: the female genital organ is shown in its totality, the open legs reveal a faceless body, and the clitoris is engulfed in flames. Further on, a series of small works set next to each other like a mosaic show characters in various sex positions.
Roxana Dragu about art and cryptocurrency
By Loredana Voiculescu for Republica.roRead article„Don't f**k with a dream”, lucrarea pictorului Roman Tolici, a fost vândută la începutul acestui an de Mobius Gallery, una dintre cele mai dinamice galerii de artă din Capitală, cu echivalentul a 25.000 de euro pe blockchainul Ethereum, a doua cea mai populară criptomonedă. A fost prima lucrare comercializată de Roxana Dragu, directorul executiv al galeriei Mobius, într-o monedă virtuală
Research paper based on Roman Tolici's latest museum solo exhibition
by Cristina GELANRead moreThis paper aims an analysis of the desirability of the pursuit of happiness as it was constituted in an interdisciplinary discourse (of philosophy, sociology, psychology and history of arts) throughout time, from classical Greek antiquity to the present day.
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Saddo for The New Yorker
For an article about Kid Cudi's latest albumSee articleIllustration for The New Yorker, for an article about Kid Cudi's latest album, "Man on the Moon III: The Chosen".